Upload Optimization + Contributor Mgmt Expansion

New in the MES

Upload Optimization + Contributor Mgmt Expansion

We hear you! We take customer feedback very seriously and have been working on making uploads via our Music Enterprise Software easier and more intuitive. In order to save our users time and effort while entering metadata, we have changed the order of the tabs “audio import”, “track data” and “product data” and removed the tab “upload”.

What does this mean for me as an MES user?

Good news: there are no fundamental changes, only the order of tabs when creating a new product is new. Now the audio files will be added first in the process of creating a new product. After that, you add the respective metadata in the tab “track data”. Only once all track data has been filled in, you continue to the product overview in the tab “product data”, where you can fill in data that concerns the whole release (such as cover artwork, product title, etc.). All data that has already been filled out in track data which might also be required on product level, will automatically be filled in here.

Adding artists on product data level now looks like the contributor management surface in track data. The artists on product level can be selected on basis of the entries that were made in “track data”. Please note that you can only select the product artist from a list based on what you entered in “track data”, you cannot type in anything. This serves to make sure that artist names are consistent and helps prevent wrong entries.

Once all mandatory fields have been filled in, the product moves to the status “ready for upload”, where you will now find an upload list, instead of the old tab “upload”. By clicking on “upload list”, you can select and deselect products that are ready for upload by simply checking a box.

Naturally we have already updated our user manual accordingly, so if there is anything unclear, you can check out our manual here: http://helpdesk.rebeat.com/en/manual_english/_16.htm

Expansion contributor management

Additionally, due to great demand, we have expanded our contributor management. From now on it is possible to also add contributors in the areas administration, production and composition. Furthermore, individual bandmembers can now be added with their specific role. Make sure to click on the drop-down list underneath the header “role” to see and select all possible roles. Give credit where credit is due!