How successful are your artists? Which markets should you put a focus on? Which stores are important for your label? We help you to find the right answers fast and efficiently.
Daily sales overviewGet daily download & streaming numbers for your artists. Analyze and filter the data with our software MES to make artist performance visible.
Preview on salesWe provide you a preview on sales reported by the stores, which have not yet been processed in accounting. You have the complete overview of paid, reported and final sales at all times.
Analytics for artistsGive your artists access to their own dashboard in our software MES. Artists can view their sales numbers and have 100% transperancy.

Visualize performanceOur software MES helps you to visualize the results of your label. Choose time period, store, market, currency and much more to create your individual report.
Easy data exportExport data fast and easy with our software MES for further analysis. In this way you can easily share information with other departements.
Optional database linkWith the add-on "SalesSync" for our software MES you can synchronize sales and accounting data with your own MS-SQL database.