Excite fans, promoters and journalists

Artist Camp, your free promotion tool

Artist Camp is your platform to promote artists, inform fans about releases and announce concerts. A free of charge service for you.

Artist Camp, your promotion platform

Use our free of charge platform “Artist Camp” to let fans, promoters and media know about your artists and their releases.  Simply publish the following info in your MES under “Promotion”:

Show release info

Artist, label, date, cover, ...

Offer audio samples

30 seconds long

Link videos

e.g. to Youtube

Offer contact

Management, Booking, ...

Post additional info

Pictures, Booklet, tour dates, ...

Newsletter to Radio & TV stations

We advertise your releases in our weekly newsletter to registered Radio & TV stations as well as in our RSS-Feed. Here are a few recommendations how to utilize the Artist-Camp link for your own promotion activities.

Include the link

in your mails, press releases, signature, ...

Share it on social media

such as FB, Twitter, Instagram, ...

Publish it on websites

your own, venue websites, newsgroups